Monday, June 29, 2009

Personal Statement

There are many people in my life that have made an impact on me, but one of the greatest is my grandmother Elizabeth. When I was twelve years old she pasted away without saying goodbye to me. She always had these big dreams for me and always kept me reading. I love her for what she instilled in me. Because of her I read like I do, I care about my education, and I want to pursue law.

When I was two picked up my first book in attempt to be like grandma. She would laugh at me, pick me up and read the book to me. Eventually I knew the stories and I would add my own little twist in attempt to make the story a little more interesting. When I was four she started teaching me how to read and by the time I was five I had it down. She would take me to the book store when she was in town and tell me to pick five books so I could read them to her. At the young age I never realize she was instilling my hunger to read and be creative.

The hunger didn't stop at books, that was just the start. By the time I was six I had stepped my game up to chapter books. And it may not sound like much but I was then able to finish a book in about a month. Because I had this new found hunger for books, it didn't matter what kind. That is where my hunger for knowledge started and my vocabulary widened. She used to stress to me how important education was and because she barely made it out of high school she stressed this to the fullest. I value my education so much because I'm given a chance my grandmother wasn't. But yet she still overcame her struggles.

I admire her most because she overcame adversity. Because of her decisions it seemed as if she would struggle her whole life but as soon as she was given a chance she got out of her bad situation. After four children she started working in prisons as a bailiff. At the height of 4'11 people thought she wouldn't be able to handle those dangerous criminals, but after living in the worst project homes of Liberty City in Miami, trust me when I say she could handle her own. She worked her way from being a common guard to a bailiff which has inspired me to pursue a career in law. She always taught me to have a tough exterior but a warm heart.

My grandmother is my heart and she has inspired me in so ways. Because she is not here in body her heart will live on through me. In many ways I am the person I am today because of her. She did many things without my knowledge. But because of her I have the hunger to read, the drive for knowledge, and a potential major in mind.

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